Mirco Vantini

Born in Verona and living in Roverbella, he began to create contemporary art during the Covid pandemic.
Son of modern art collectors, since 1970 he has been contaminated by the major exponents of abstract art living at home: Burri, Castellani, Hartung, Schifano, Tancredi, Novelli, Dorazio, and many other artists who gradually enter the private family collection.
His art culture and passion has grown up attending vernissage at the major art galleries in northern Italy and also visiting the most important Italian modern and contemporary art fairs.

The starting point of Mirco Vantini’s art is the continuous search for new abstract creative languages, always with style and refinement, as well as attention to detail.
In two years he creates numerous collections: with Increspature (ripples), thanks to the use of packet tape, he wants to communicate the reality of today in constant motion. In the Metaforme the heavy frieze on aluminum paper in black and white is used to revive the iconographies of the 70s in our time. In the Metamorfosi (metamorphoses) the use of crinkled wrapping paper serves to emphasize the contours of the forms, bringing them towards the third dimension, while in the architectural Materialismi (materialisms) the pure matter (dust, earth and fragments) is used to build the scenario of the metropolis of the near future by interpreting artistically the new soft and imposing architectures.

The Placcati collection in gold, silver, copper and lead on small cuttings, intend to give recognition to the concept of detail, while in the Mutazioni (mutations) the plexiglas takes artistic lives shaped in various forms to represent the dualism of a mutant reality. In the Mimetismi frammentati / cromatismi (fragmented mimicry / chromaticism), the pieces of profiled plexiglas create a set of new architectures. The color instead originates from the numerous scenarios of the new millennium, e.g. to tell the arrival of the Coronavirus, the war in Eastern Europe and the numerous femicides in Italy. Creative testimonies of a chaotic and changing period.

The Antitesi (antitheses): clippings, discarded pieces, reassembled sketches to give new life and identity to all that we discard;
While the Introversioni (introversions) are special limited edition works of author proofs created for the pure spirit of researching new contents and forms without limits or barriers.

Mirco Vantini’s works are suspended on rigid supports to make the work “float” by placing it in the foreground; the frames are open on the sides to allow the viewer an observation from other points of view.
By pure personal choice 90% of the colors used in the works are on an acrylic base.
